The Design of the Booster Collimator Shielding

Updated 3/13/03

This is the main page of the Booster Collimator Shielding design. From here you can find the current status of the design and photos of the existing collimators in the Booster. Thanks goes to Alex Chen of Fermilab for the solid model created in IDEAS of the first collimator shielding design.

You are welcome to download any of the images. If they are used for other than private viewing, credit to Bartoszek Engineering would be appreciated.

Assembly and Installation Photos

Final Design Documents

Pages related to the previous collimator project

  • Link to photos of the collimators as they were in the FNAL Booster before 1/03 (updated 1/03/03)

  • Link to images of the first redesign of the collimators and shielding--VOID (updated 1/03/03)

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