Images of the OOPS Experiment in the South Hall of the Bates LaboratoryThese pictures attempt to show the OOPS experiment as it will appear on the floor of the South Hall at Bates. Utility routing could not be shown in the rendered images, and greatly impacts the complexity of the apparatus. The OOPS equipment is intended to work with an existing spectrometer, OHIPS, in the South Hall, further complicating the space usage and access in the hall. Photos will be added as the experiment is finally assembled by the end of 1997.
An eye-level view of the gantry and two satellites in the close-packed configuration 1.4 meters away from the target point. The gantry and satellites are designed to be pushed back to 2.5 meters away from the target as well.
This is a view of the gantry and two satellites from above without perspective.
This image shows the gantry, two satellites, and the OHIPS detector in the South Hall in one of the experimental configurations ready to take beam.
This photo shows an OOPS module on another structure designed by Bartoszek Engineering, the OOPS Flipper. The Flipper is used to rotate an OOPS upside down for attachment to either the satellites or the gantry in the inverted position. This position allows a larger angle of scattered particle to be measured within the range of pitch angle of the pitch mechanisms on the satellites and gantry.
This photo shows an OOPS module on the Flipper and another one mounted to a satellite tethered to the pivot post. Experiments are being done with the satellites and the old North Hall support while the gantry is procured and assembled.
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