Images of the OOPS Satellite Support StructuresSatellites weigh 75 tons each including an OOPS. Design requirements for the satellites included being able to align a spectrometer to a point in space to within a cubic millimeter over a large range of angles. At that point a beam of electrons from the Bates linac collides with a target releasing the radiation to be measured by the spectrometers. Each of the detectors also had to be able to rotate around the target point within a spherical envelope. To accomplish the horizontal rotations around the target both satellite structures and the gantry were designed to float on air casters and pivot around the target post. A tether holds them to the target post during horizontal rotations on the air casters. Alignment of the satellites was achieved by a motorized three-point system of jacks to level the entire structure, and an XY table mounted on the end of the cantilever beam which supports the spectrometer. The XY table allows OOPS motions in two perpendicular horizontal directions as well as yaw and pitch angle rotations. Bartoszek Engineering produced all the manufacturing drawings for the satellites, selected vendors, and supported the assembly and installation of the satellites.
This picture shows the Satellite Support Structure. The gray blocks on the back end are counterweights to balance the cantilevered OOPS module. They have to weigh twice as much as an OOPS because they are half the distance to the center of gravity of the structure.
This image shows some of the details of the XY table that aligns the OOPS module. Manually operated screw jacks position the OOPS horizontally and in yaw and pitch.
This photo shows a satellite with an OOPS mounted in the High Bay at Bates. The satellite was used in the High Bay to level the quadrapole on the OOPS so that the dipole could be aligned to it.
This photo shows a satellite in the South Hall tethered to the pivot post and ready to take data. The OOPS is mounted in the in-plane position, the usual position for a satellite OOPS. OHIPS can be seen in the left of the picture.
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