Resume for:
Larry Martin Bartoszek
Education and Certificates
- Licensed as a Professional Engineer in Illinois on 11/30/89
- B.S. Mechanical Engineering, (dual degree with:)
- B.S. Physics from University of Illinois, 12/82, Urbana-Champaign
Work Experience
- 2/93-Present--SELF EMPLOYED, Bartoszek Engineering, Aurora, IL
- Mechanical engineering design consultant specializing in equipment for experimental physics. (See other pages at this site for details of work done.)
- 1/90-1/93--CHIEF MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Research Div., SDC Dept., Batavia, IL
- Organized and administered the mechanical design group for the Solenoidal Detector
Collaboration at Fermi. Responsible for the design of a 150 million dollar scintillating
tile/fiber calorimeter weighing 4000 tons. Built several multi-ton prototypes.
- 1/83-1/90--MECHANICAL ENGINEER, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Accelerator Div, Antiproton Source Dept, Batavia, IL
- Project engineer/leader for over thirty projects during the construction of the
Antiproton Source. Planned projects from conception to completion with schedules
and budgets. Performed all of the engineering design and analysis required for
projects, and supervised the work of other engineers, draftsmen, machinists,
technicians, and trades-people at every stage of fabrication, testing, and installation.
Structured maintenance programs for equipment. Photographs and assembly
drawings of my work are available on request.
Go to a page of some of the projects I worked
on at Fermi.
Professional Society Affiliations
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- American Welding Society
- ASM International
- National Space Society
Computers / Systems Familiar With:
- Windows (all versions)
- Apple Macintosh
Computer Programs / Languages Familiar With:
- AutoCAD, Mechanical Desktop, Autodesk Inventor
- AutoDesign PC/FEA
- MathCAD
- ANSYS Finite Element modeling program
- MicroSoft Office suite:
- Word
- Excel
- Project
- Powerpoint