The Design of the MuLan Experiment

Updated 9/29/03

This is BE's main page for the MuLan experiment design. From here you can find archival documentation and the current status of the designs. I will be adding renderings and photos as the design and construction progresses.

Click on the thumbnails to get an expanded image or to go to sub pages. You are welcome to download any of the images. If they are used for other than private viewing, credit to Bartoszek Engineering would be appreciated.

Photos of the Actual Assembly

  • Link to photos of the initial assembly in the NPL Barn at UIUC (updated 9/29/03)

Design Renderings

  • Link to images of the final PMT support design concept (updated 1/15/03)

  • Link to the design of the Pent can weld fixture (updated 1/31/03)

  • Link to renderings of a the 10 pin connector on the hex and pent cans (updated 3/19/03)

  • Link to renderings of the first pass on the support structure of the "soccer ball" (updated 3/19/03)

  • Link to renderings of the complete "soccer ball" and target issues (updated 4/11/03)

  • Link to the status of the design as of 5/12/03 (updated 5/12/03)

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