Images of the Final Design of the MiniBooNE Target Support System

Updated 11/2/03

I have to apologize for how long it took me to notice that this was still just a temporary page. So many changes happened so quickly in the fall of 2002 during the installation of the target module that it became impossible to keep the design web page up to date. It became clear as we were preparing for the NBI2003 conference that it was time to fix this site up.

Click on the thumbnails to get an expanded image. You are welcome to download any of the images. If they are used for other than private viewing, credit to Bartoszek Engineering would be appreciated.

Pictures of the entire target module

My standard six foot tall man next to target and BPM modules for scale. The right channel has been made transparent in the picture on the right.

Close-up of support w/one channel transparent. The right picture gives a good view of the air multiwire we installed just before target installation into the horn box.

Close-ups of the target assembly provided by LANL

These pictures are close-ups of the target with either the outer beryllium tube or the upstream gas manifold block rendered transparent so you can see what's inside. The upstream gas manifold is made out of aluminum and has passages cut into it allowing the target cooling system blowers to pull air through the target assembly. Filtered and cooled return air comes back to the horn box.

Pictures of the horn and target

The main differences between these pictures are in the texture of the glass material used in the rendering, and the slightly different rotation angle. Please use whichever looks best for your presentation purposes.

Again, the only difference here is the glass material. The one on the left is more reflective and transparent than the one on the right. The glass on the right also has a somewhat darker color, like smoked glass.

The upstream flanges transparent

Horn Box and Horn transparent to show target

The external target support structure at MI-8

The external target structure on top of the trolley at MI-12

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