Conceptual Designs of the JPARC horns

Work done up to 2/05

These pictures are renderings of the solid models BE has created of the T2K horns. The page shows some early renderings of the horns and does not represent the final design, especially of horn 2. I mainly wanted to get the pictures and Powerpoint presentations up on the web for anyone to grab the images they need for presentations.

Click on any of the thumbnails to get an enlarged view. You are welcome to download any of the images. If they are used for other than private viewing, credit to Bartoszek Engineering would be appreciated.

Original Stripline Configuration for Horn 1

Horn 1 (Original Stripline) Presentations from Bartoszek Engineering

  • Right click here to download a Powerpoint file of Horn 1 with a "floating fastener" segmented outer conductor. (679K)

  • Right click here to download a Powerpoint file showing the difference between the "floating fastener" and traditional horn bolted joint insulation schemes. (158K)

  • Right click here to download a Powerpoint file of the original stripline configuration of the Horn 1 stripline. (503K)

Proposed Stripline Configuration for Horn 1

Horn 1 (Proposed Stripline) Presentations from Bartoszek Engineering

  • Right click here to download a Powerpoint file of the proposed stripline configuration of the Horn 1 stripline. (1.57M)

Preliminary Horn 2 Renderings

These were the first two renderings of horn 2 that I did. The stripline configuration was "borrowed" from MiniBooNE at a time when I had no information about the J-PARC stripline design. The only difference between them is the color of the glass material assigned to the outer conductor. This section is still under construction.

Horn 2 Presentations from Bartoszek Engineering

  • Right click here to download a Powerpoint file of the assembly of Horn 2. (2.30M)

Preliminary Layout of Horn 3

Horn 3 Presentations from Bartoszek Engineering

  • Right click here to download a Powerpoint file of the renderings of of Horn 3. (1.56M)

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